Learning a language: the why and the how

It took me nearly 25 years to get around to starting to learning a language properly… I’ve always been a “numbers guy”. At school, university, and now my job. When I was a teenager I dismissed learning a language as a frustrating thing. I got an A at GCSE French, but my accent was poor, […] Read More

A showcase of Chinese tourism (Yunnan province, China)

Written March 2015. I stood consulting my map in the main square of Lijiang’s old town. A women had taken a few steps closer from nearby, into hearing range. After saying excuse me in Mandarin I began to carelessly chat a few words in English. Eventually asking for directions. “Minzhu road?”. “Can I help you […] Read More

Cultural differences in the high Andes (walking in Huaraz, Peru)

Written September 2014. On the edge of Huaraz a 6km dirt track climbs upwards towards Wilcahuain. A small collection of ruins dating to sometime between 600AD and 900AD. In an aid to acclimatising to the mountain heights of the region I head up their on a late Saturday afternoon. Huaraz is 3,100m above sea level. […] Read More