Life Toolkit

Antarctica. Chapter 7: Research on the continent

Antarctica is called the uninhabited continent, but this is not strictly true. Today, about 10,000 researchers and support staff work in the summer months, before dropping to about 1,000 hardy souls through the permanent darkness of the winter. Its winter population is little larger than the village where I grew up in the English countryside, […] Read More

5 themes for a happier life

I’ve been reading, digesting even, more words on life’s most sought after pursuit recently. There may well be more column inches written on chasing a fortune and pursuing women, but that’s only because they are seen as paths to this greater end. It’s that grand goal with blurred, seemingly undefinable, edges. We catch it in […] Read More

Learning a language: the why and the how

It took me nearly 25 years to get around to starting to learning a language properly… I’ve always been a “numbers guy”. At school, university, and now my job. When I was a teenager I dismissed learning a language as a frustrating thing. I got an A at GCSE French, but my accent was poor, […] Read More