

This is for all of you that write travel journals, diaries, blogs, whatever you might like to call it. I’m curating something that needs your help. I’ve met you in many places. Sitting at a hostel table in the night trying to get something down before it’s forgotten. Or perhaps in a foreign coffee shop […] Read More

An unexpected house guest

“What do we feed it?” The small bird sat on Ross’ shoulder. Unfazed and comfortable as Ross walked about the flat. “Do you still have porridge?” “Will it like that?” “Yeah. It’s just shaven oats.” I did have porridge. I sprinkled some out of the packet onto my palm and place it onto Ross’ shoulder. […] Read More

Untitled words about my father

The following speech was never said. It was written the old fashioned way, with pen and paper in advance of my dad’s funeral. The words must have come easy. They’re relatively few and little was crossed out. But on the day, in our village church, I couldn’t stand up there. His death had come as […] Read More